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Hobby Horse Blog Hop Prompts - Week 24:
- What's the 'next' horse/dog/cat/pet you would consider acquiring? Do you tend to plan and purposefully acquire animals, or do they just seem to find you?
- Pet food: are you particular about ingredients or will any kind do? Do you have a fussy eater?
- Camping? Motel 6, RV, tent or 'no way'!
- My question: What's your next horsey purchase? (Not super related, I know.)
My answers:
1. What's the 'next' horse/dog/cat/pet you would consider acquiring? Do you tend to plan and purposefully acquire animals, or do they just seem to find you? If I find a stray, I'm going to have a really hard time saying no, but my plan goes like this: cat, then horse. Both are a ways off in the future because as of right now I am still allergic to cats, though my allergies have gotten much better over the three years that I have taken allergy shots. Ever since I had to give away my incredibly sweet Himalayan/Persian mix when I was little due to my allergies, I have wanted a cat again, and I am thinking I will be cat-allergy free in another year. I would still get a hypoallergenic breed like a Devon Rex or a Siberian just to be on the safe side.
Yeah, they look a little funny but I think they're cute. Like little alien cats. via |
As for the type of horse I'd like to get, I flip-flop about it. I used to be sure I wanted an OTTB, but now I think the particular breed is less important to me. I will probably still look for a Thoroughbred first just because two of my favorite horses were TBs that never raced, but what I really want is a sound, forward-but-sensible, not-too-tall gelding that I feel safe on and that I can do a little bit of everything with--some hacking, jumps under 2", and low-level dressage once I know some more about it. However, I'm waiting even longer on the horse thing so that I can save a lot of money and hopefully have a bigger salary to pay board more easily.
2. Pet food: are you particular about ingredients or will any kind do? Do you have a fussy eater? I don't have any pets right now, but I'd feed the best quality food I could afford. However, I draw the line at cooking food for your cats and dogs. I have pet-sat way too many finicky eaters to want to intentionally create one!
3. Camping? Motel 6, RV, tent or 'no way'! I have camped a few times from my days as a Girl Scout and while I don't hate camping and would do it again, I don't really miss it. What was more fun for me was the group of people I would go camping with.
4. My question: What's your next horsey purchase? (Not super related, I know.) Next purchase: a better helmet. I have a Troxel Grand Prix Classic, and although I love the hidden airflow and the classic look, it just does not fit my head right. When I put my hair up, it's way too tight and hurts my forehead after about 30 minutes, and when I don't have my hair up it isn't snug.
I'm wondering if it was just bad luck or if the person who fit the helmet to me at Dover just didn't know what she was doing--I remember she kept asking me to fix my hair because it was parted to the side and some of it was covering a part of my forehead. Is that really so confusing? My head was still there under all the hair (though when it's humid, it's hard to tell).
I'm thinking that the next one I get will be a Charles Owen. I actually intended to get the JR8 per my trainer's recommendation when I bought the Troxel, but it was too small, and the only Charles Owen that did fit was out of my price range at the time. Normally I don't care about brands, and I'm not crazy about that little diamond logo, but apparently Charles Owen helmets break down (intentionally) to fit your head shape, and since my head is apparently hard to fit, I think that's a plus. And next time I try on a helmet, I'm going to wear it for more than 30 seconds to make sure it doesn't start to hurt.
My wishlist after that goes on and on...leather chaps and new paddock boots...a short-sleeved show shirt with a monogrammed collar...and oh, I can always use more breeches...but I figure the helmet is the most important since I enjoy using my brain.
I think my next horsey purchase will be either a dressage pad (I've been looking for a nice navy one) so we don't have to borrow anymore or a good Western bridle.
ReplyDeleteCarla, you certainly do seem to use that brain of your's! I like how you have thought things out so carefully and have a plan. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteI love going into the Dover shop - but I think you are at the mercy of the sales person - I'm thinking some of them really don't know squat! It's too bad that your helmet doesn't fit. I bought a Troxel and it has some adjustment. I love that because I could actually fit a small cap under it during the winter.
My next horsey purchase I was planning before selling the horses was a new bit. I want to try a Myler bit. And that's the problem... I would love to be able to try different styles until I get the perfect match. Sadly, you have to buy to try!
WOW!! Very Interesting blog i like your dogs and you have write article this is really very useful for me i can follow you and you can please updating your blogs.
ReplyDeleteThan you for post.