Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 28 – 30 Day Horse Challenge – Helmet or no helmet?

Ok I have to admit, I intentionally waited to post this on International Helmet Awareness Day. That probably gives you a clue that I am religious about wearing my helmet every time I ride. I have always been like that, but I really realized how important it was when I first started riding at the therapeutic center last year, and a horse I assumed was absolutely dead quiet (being a therapy horse, you know?) bolted on me. It was the first time I ever felt dizzy and not quite right after a fall, and although I kept riding after I caught up to my horse, in hindsight I think I had a very, very mild concussion.

You really never know what is going to happen, whether it's on a new horse or one you've known for years. Just think of Courtney King-Dye and her traumatic brain injury when her horse tripped. Yes, there are a million excuses not to wear a helmet, but why take that chance with your brain? You only get one, and it only takes one trip, or one spook. At least to me, the minor inconvenience of ugly helmet hair is worth knowing that my odds of dying/becoming a vegetable are slightly lessened.


  1. Agree with you on all points.

    But where's number 27?!

  2. Oh. Oops. I had all the posts pre-loaded in Blogger, but I guess I forgot one! I'll have to track down 27.

  3. Preach it girl!!! I am an avid helmet wearer too!!! :)

  4. I wear my helmet every time I ride, but unfortunately, having ridden Western, it is a very common practice not to in that world. When I got my horse and did my first show with him in Western Pleasure, there was a lot of pressure for me to wear just a cowboy hat even though I'd only had him for a few months and everyone thought he was a little bit of a lunatic at times. And I did wear the hat. And the next show, when I was wearing just a hat, he bolted in the ring, and I promptly got off and put my helmet back on. That is not to say I wouldn't do it again, but I feel like its tempting fate.

  5. I'm also pro helmet. There's just no real good reason not to.
