Sunday, September 1, 2013

Why Horse Girls Get Manicures

So Midnight has a pretty bad case of scratches/nasty fungus stuff on his white sock.

Unfortunately, I've been a really bad nail biter my entire life. Especially when I write...great career choice, right?

I tried. My little stubs had pretty much no effect on pulling off the scabs--all I really succeeded in doing was annoying Midnight.

$55 later...

...and I had a Betty-Boop-esque pattern that I did not like at all. The tiny, obsessive, loon-feather-like pattern of dots was what appealed to me, not the fact that they were polka dots. So I took off the polish and redid it at home.
That's better. Now off to the barn for the real reason I got acrylics...
So gross but so satisfying at the same time. Well, not for Midnight, but who can blame him--getting scabs picked off and medicated is not fun.

In other news I may have rustled up some barn friends to go do a Murder Mystery trail ride this fall...I hope it works out because the event sounds really fun!


  1. omg so Saddle Club I want to do a Murder Mystery trail ride!

    1. I know!! It's basically going to be Clue on horseback--visiting different areas to figure out who the killer is and what weapon they used.

  2. I used to bite my nails horribly. (And admittedly still do when I am very nervous or stressed). But acrylic nails are what helped me quit. Don't rip them off though... Made that mistake. I am now happily sporting natural nails that stay a great length provided I don't beat on them too much.

    1. This is my third or fourth time getting acrylics...hopefully this time will do the trick?

  3. Bwahaha love the nails. I need those, I pick at my nails, mostly when I'm bored (which is often)

  4. Oh my god! Murder mystery trail ride! I'm so jealous!

  5. Love that you got nails for your horses benefit lol!!!

    The dinner/clue sounds SO FUN!

    1. Well it benefits both of us. Acrylics are practically indestructible compared to natural nails!
